Norwegian producer Lysgaard makes his debut on Mhost Likely’s White label series with an incredible 4 tracker of 90s UK rave and Detroit Techno-inspired house. The ‘Silver in Stone’ EP is Lysgaard’s exploration of the strange, magical, and mythical planet ‘Amía’. A playful take on the so-called Norwegian Space Disco.
The EP opener ‘Robins in Dual’ set the pace. Pulsating bass patterns carry the intro until the 90s rave-Esque and analogue synths make their presence known, transporting the listener deep into the sonic realm of Amía.
‘A Race Across the Roofs’ is an outer-realms dance injection. Classic rave-Esque sound pallets marry with waves of euphoric pad work.
‘The Annals of Ai’Sang’ blends soothing-yet-ghostly hollowed out tones echo into the distance as thumping drums, crisp synth lines and 90s breakbeat drum pattern erupts forth.
‘Sunrise In Crato’ showcases rolling acid house sounds alongside a texturally complex ambient drone. The synth melodies bring the EP to its conclusion in perfect fashion with an early morning revitalisation.